Tongue Twisters Based on All the Sounds of American English
I've already told you how important I believe Tongue Twisters are to singing, acting, and presentation skills, in general. I put these Twisters together to specifically target individual consonant sounds. We all have different "challenging" sounds. It could be that as a child you struggled with a speech impediment; it could be that you have a slight over or under bite. Whatever the challenge, don't take it personally and try to be completely honest with yourself; this is just another wonderful tool for improving yourself. All of these "tools" need to be viewed that way. If you can check your ego, you can improve your game, your beautiful voice. Check out a few of these: Bad boys beat big, burly bears bringing better banjos. Dirty, dingy dingoes down dim-witted dragons dunking donuts. Fat, fruity Fig Newtons found firefighters afraid of pharaohs. Giddy, green goblins give gumdrops great gobs of glue. Heroes ha...