Focusing on Your Strengths
Learning to ALTER your perspective, your attitude, and your entire outlook on life is not like pushing a button or switching a light on or off. First, you need to make an assessment of your CURRENT perspective, attitudes, and overall outlook, and then, you can begin to re-format things a little bit at a time. Though not simple, this is totally doable. One of the first things I recommend is to determine what your personal strengths are, and focus on those things. You’re probably wondering what all this has to do with singing or piano or even, acting. Honestly, developing a POSITIVE attitude toward life has WONDERFUL consequences on, essentially EVERY aspect of your daily living. You SLEEP BETTER, you RELAX better, you FUNCTION better with other people, and you are generally and specifically happier in your own skin. If we think back to the “Button” or “Switch” you need to turn off or on, you must also recognize that like the sayin...