
Showing posts from December, 2017

Blog Post #110 - How to Do a Voiceover Audition for Animation

         I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to a very talented, brilliant friend of mine who is also an amazingly gifted Singer, Actor, Dancer, and especially, Voiceover Artist. Her name is Julie Maddelena Kliewer, and I asked her to “Guest Write” a Blog Post about “How to Audition for A Voiceover Job”. She produced the wonderful post below on auditioning for Voiceover work for Original “Animation” projects. Julie has had LOTS of experience in this field including roles in “Ever After High” and “Monster High”. She has worked on the stage as a Live actor, and behind the microphone, as well. Enjoy these wonderful words of wisdom from Julie, and be sure to contact her for more information on her classes and experience through the information at the end of the Post. Here is her terrific contribution:           For the sake of simplicity, lets focus in on one aspect of the voiceove...

Blog Post #109 - What to Take to an Audition and General Expectations

         If you are a singer or an actor, from time to time you will HAVE to audition to be cast into shows, productions, or for a touring position. This is actually true of instrumentalists as well, though their audition process is usually confined to a smaller number of candidates, and ordinarily does not require callback auditions or extended wait times before results are confirmed. NO ONE really ENJOYS auditioning, but, if you’re conscientious, you should learn something new with EVERY audition, and over time, you should grow quite good at producing a HIGH QUALITY and CONSISTENT audition.          In previous Blog Posts, I’ve talked about building self-esteem, breathing techniques, how to present yourself like a “Professional”, but we haven’t talked specifically about what to TAKE to an audition, how auditions are set up, and exactly WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO DO for any given audition. That’s what I...