101 Positive Things I Can Say About Myself

         Yay! Happy 100th Blog Post! Thank you for reading my Blog and continuing to work toward your BEST Performing Self. This is just the first of several posts on “Choosing the Positive in Life”, which I’ll be posting soon. Check it out, and let me know how well this works for you!
People are always asking me how I can stay positive, and, even more important, how THEY can GET positive. Today’s fast-paced lifestyle can be discouraging, overwhelming, and incredibly stressful. So, how can you possibly INJEST all the craziness of daily living, and CONVERT all those pressures and heaviness into a relaxing, enjoyable, and satisfying existence? This is important for EVERYONE. However, it is CRUCIAL for performers because the slightest tension or struggle a person is experiencing will immediately ‘read’ on his or her face, and be communicated to your audience. These wonderful, BASIC expressions are affirmative, uplifting, and TRUE! Print them out! Make certain you read a number of them EVERY day! Don’t forget to BREATHE…and SMILE! My final suggestion is to randomly, regularly perform “Random Acts of Kindness” for friends, relatives, and even, total strangers, like just smiling at someone, opening or holding a door for someone, or stopping to give a person directions. The time investment is minuscule, but the consequence is huge, long-lasting, and amazing! Have fun!
101 Positive Things I Can Say About Myself:

1.   I love myself.
2.   The world has need for me.
3.   I am unique.
4.   I can and I will do things to promote healing in my life.
5.   I can handle this one step at a time.
6.   The sun is shining; I am ready to take on another day.
7.   My problem has a solution; I will work on a plan.
8.   I am a survivor.
9.   I refuse to give up in my life because I haven’t tried all the possible ways to find solutions yet.
10.                 I will inhale confidence and exhale doubt.
11.                 I may be one in 7.5 billion but I am also one in 7.5 billion!
12.                 I am smart.
13.                 I believe I can change the world (or at least my corner of it!)
14.                 I am important.
15.                 Today, I will celebrate me.
16.                 I matter.
17.                 I can find peace through prayer and meditation.
18.                 I am strong.
19.                 My confidence is beautiful.
20.                 I am imperfect but I’m perfectly me.
21.                 My smile can make someone feel better.
22.                 I choose to focus on what I can control.
23.                 Everything will work out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out yet, it’s not the end.
24.                 I am happy with who I am.
25.                 Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better.
26.                 I am a good person, working to become even better.
27.                 I keep going because I believe in myself.
28.                 I choose to see the good in the people I interact with today.
29.                 It is always too early to give up on my goals.
30.                 I can reach out for help if I need it.
31.                 I am special; I will not change myself for anyone.
32.                 I choose to hope, not to doubt.
33.                 The answer is right before me, even if I do not see it right now.
34.                 I am thankful for… (think of, at least, 3 different things that are unique to each other).
35.                 I choose to take good care of myself.
36.                 I accept myself.
37.                 I can make a difference.
38.                 My past does not define my future; I do.
39.                 My life is filled with possibility.
40.                 I refuse to be pushed by my problems; I will be led by my dreams.
41.                 I am awake and ready to be awesome.
42.                 I will focus on my talents and my strengths; I have things to share with the world.
43.                 I choose to love myself enough to have relationships that are healthy, challenging, invigorating.
44.                 I deserve good things in life.
45.                 I release myself from my anger.
46.                 I love who I am and who I’m becoming.
47.                 I will allow peace to fill my soul.
48.                 Today is a new day; I will see what adventure it holds.
49.                 I choose to be proud of myself.
50.                 I will do my absolute best in all things.
51.                 I will speak kindly to others and to myself.
52.                 I choose to be brave and tell others if I need their support.
53.                 I have the power to control my reactions to the challenges I will face.
54.                 I am becoming healthier each and every day.
55.                 I choose to see each obstacle as an opportunity to grow, and become wiser and stronger.
56.                 I will step out of my comfort zone and try something new today.
57.                 I am a success; I can make this a great day.
58.                 Note to self: I am amazing.
59.                 I can control my breathing, and use that breath to control my responses, my fears, and all my emotions.
60.                 I will stay calm; it will get better.
61.                 I allow myself to forgive; it will allow me to move beyond the pain, to a place of peace.
62.                 I choose to make today amazing.
63.                 I choose to let the past go and move on to the future.
64.                 Today, I will be courageous.
65.                 I release all fear from my mind.
66.                 I can reach my goals; I am unstoppable.
67.                 I am ready to write a new chapter for my life.
68.                 I will take the time to notice and be thankful for the little things.
69.                 I can think before I act, and I can take control of my emotions.
70.                 I am a child of God.
71.                 My hard work is already paying off.
72.                 I am thankful for life.
73.                 I choose to be happy.
74.                 I accept the good that is flowing into my life, but I can deal with whatever comes.
75.                 I will not allow anxious thoughts to steal my joy.
76.                 Today, I forgive myself for whatever I have done in my past.
77.                 My body knows how to get better; I will listen to it and rest when needed.
78.                 I am stronger than my worries.
79.                 I’m not the only one who struggles; I choose to be kind to everyone that I meet.
80.                 Yesterday was a bad day, not a bad life. Today will be better.
81.                 I am braver than I feel.
82.                 While I wait for the storm to pass, I will choose to dance in the rain.
83.                 I am greatly loved.
84.                 I will remember; often difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.
85.                 There is more to life than this moment; I choose to keep moving forward.
86.                 I am capable of bringing my dreams to life.
87.                 I am okay. I am breathing. I am alive.
88.                 I am capable of achieving great things.
89.                 I light up the world with my smile.
90.                 My spirit is beautiful.
91.                 I make a difference in the world.
92.                 I allow myself to take breaks and do things I enjoy.
93.                 Life is not fair but life IS a lot like a circus, so I will enjoy taking the ‘rides’.
94.                 I’m not sure what will happen tomorrow, but I’ll take care of myself so I am strong enough to face it.
95.                 I choose to approach my problems with a calm heart and mind.
96.                 I trust myself.
97.                 I will do my best with whatever comes my way.
98.                 I have a purpose that I am fulfilling.
99.                 I will listen to that whisper of hope that says, “You can do it; try again.”
100.             I can change my life into one that fulfills and energizes me.
101.             I will learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.

Thanks for reading this; I hope you can utilize these EVERYDAY!
Thanks to “Boys Town” (www.yourlifeyourvoice.org) for most of the suggestions in this list. The more optimistic you can be about your own life, the more inspiring and effective you will be as a performer, and as a human being. Please send me any comments or questions you may have; I always love to hear from you. If you have any questions about my lessons or me, please check out my website at www.SingitForward.net. Stay tuned for a series of posts on “Choosing the Positive in Life”, and as always, Sing it Forward!


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