Blog Post #105 - Prioritizing Positivity in Your Daily Life
“A pessimist sees the difficult in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty,” (Winston Churchill). This Blog Post completes my suggestions for Prioritizing Positivity in Your Daily Life. If you haven’t had a chance, please be sure to read and/or print out Blog Posts #100 through #105, or the last SIX posts, including this one. I understand these posts may seem a little “Cheesy” or “Utopian” but I ASSURE you I wouldn’t waste my time if I didn’t believe that this is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT to a strong performance mentality, whether playing piano, singing, acting, dancing, speaking, or simply, living. You probably won’t succeed in viewing EVERY situation or person with a Positive Perspective but if your GOAL is to positively affect everything and every person, you’ll almost certainly be successful MOST of the time, and THAT success can have an incredib...