
Showing posts from July, 2017

Blog Post #105 - Prioritizing Positivity in Your Daily Life

    “A pessimist sees the difficult in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty,” (Winston Churchill).          This Blog Post completes my suggestions for Prioritizing Positivity in Your Daily Life. If you haven’t had a chance, please be sure to read and/or print out Blog Posts #100 through #105, or the last SIX posts, including this one. I understand these posts may seem a little “Cheesy” or “Utopian” but I ASSURE you I wouldn’t waste my time if I didn’t believe that this is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT to a strong performance mentality, whether playing piano, singing, acting, dancing, speaking, or simply, living. You probably won’t succeed in viewing EVERY situation or person with a Positive Perspective but if your GOAL is to positively affect everything and every person, you’ll almost certainly be successful MOST of the time, and THAT success can have an incredib...

Blog Post #104 - Maintaining a Positive Lifestyle

         So, we’ve talked about ridding your life of negative things, building positives into your life, and now, we’re gonna investigate how to live a positive lifestyle LONG-TERM.   This is one of the healthiest choices you’ll ever make, one of the most influential, as well as being far-reaching, and giving you a wonderful future to look forward to. If you are serious and sincere about developing and keeping a positive perspective, you MAY run into folks who will desperately try to pull you back to your “negative roots” but you will find many, many more people who will support, encourage, and appreciate you from your new environment. Here are a few more affirming behaviors you should attempt to cultivate; my next Post will finish up our “Positive” theme. You’ve got nothing to lose except a long, sad face. Your new SMILING face will draw appreciation, allow you to help others, and open you up to opportunities you never dreamed possi...

Bloig Post #103 - Establishing a Positive Life Perspective

         In the last blog post I talked about taking steps to rid your life of negativity but THIS post is all about BUILDING POSITIVITY INTO YOUR PRESENT LIFE. I really don’t like “GETTING RID OF THINGS” because that, in and of itself, is negative, too BUT we’re MOVING toward being positive, and that’s what’s most important.   These posts are not meant to be step-by-step processes necessarily; they are meant to ignite possibilities for you. Try out some of these ideas and see if you don’t feel better, if you don’t have a brighter outlook going into your day. ·       Take Things Slowly and Don’t Judge Yourself! – If you’re trying to make a change in your lifestyle or just introduce more positive ideas into your life, you HAVE to remember that NOTHING happens over night! Personally, I like to put Post-its around in places where I know I’ll be during the day, if I’m trying to do something new consistently ...