
Showing posts from July, 2019

Blog Post Update #111 - Vocal First Aid Kit

VOCAL FIRST AID KIT For any singer that does regular “gigs”, shows, studio sessions, tour dates, or even auditions, it is wisdom to keep a “Vocal First Aid Kit” handy.  Just as you probably keep a First Aid Kit in your car for physical emergencies, when your livelihood depends on your voice, it’s very smart to be able to take care of any Vocal emergencies you might have.  Personally, I think a Travel-Size Cooler works really well for holding all these supplies. It keeps everything together in one place, along with a List of Contents , which you need to keep updated after every use, so that it’s ready to go for the next time you need it. Of course, make CERTAIN to have plenty of water or water bottles , which you have LABELED with your name so that no one else "shares".  Here are the suggested contents for your kit: “ Local” honey with PLASTIC SPOONS (if in a jar, keep jar in a Ziploc bag to avoid sticky spillage).  “Local” h...