Basic Music Theory - 1st Post - Notes, Rests, and Note Particulars
It is really important for a singer, even an amazingly gifted singer, to understand basic Music Theory. That doesn’t mean you have to be any kind of virtuoso or study music theory for dozens of years but it does mean you need to study some fundamental or elemental aspects of theoretical concepts. Your first “basic” lesson is below. Stay tuned for more “installments” in the future. Here goes: • NOTES AND RESTS - Melodies in music are represented through patterns of “Notes” and “Rests”. Here is a chart of the most common types of Notes and Rests: The Quarter Note is, by far, the most common type of Note and Rest but each of these notes and rests are important, universal, and frequently-occurring. You DO need to know, however, that the values you see here CAN change, depending on the Time Signature (s...
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