Daily Breathing Exercises

         Yes, this is another BREATHING post but it’s a super easy one I’m actually doing myself.  A new friend, Gary Rosengarten, PhD is my new Pain Psychologist.  When I saw him this week, he put me onto a new set of daily breathing exercises that I thought I’d pass along to you.  These are meant to oxygenate your blood, so they’re going to energize you OR relax you while feeding your brain, your skin, every aspect of your body and your voice.  This is very simple.  The goal is to repeat this exercise FIVE times a day but try starting with THREE times per day.  First thing in the morning, mid day, and right before you go to bed at night are perfect times to start these, and add more repetitions whenever possible.  The more, the better.  All you do is BREATHE in through your nose and out through your mouth 15 times BUT you need to do this SLOWLY.  Once you are comfortable with this exercise, I want you to modify it a little for your vocal training.  Begin by breathing in through your nose but then open your mouth to take in additional air, again slowly.  Still exhale slowly and begin again.  I recommend counting up on your fingers, five at a time.  This takes a total of about two to three minutes in total.  It’s easy, quick, and effective.
         Thanks for reading and for working through these exercises.  I’d love to hear from you about your results.  Please send me your questions, comments, and/or suggestions for future blog posts; I welcome them.  If you have any questions about my lessons or me, check out my website at www.SingitForward.net.  Thanks again for your interest.  See you next time.  Sing it Forward!


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